Some parts of Parma can be very difficult to find. Ray L. you really should provide some sort of escort service to those dinner parties, etc. Why don't you know you should have compassion for poor LUCILLE! Two hours finding a place could ruin anyone's appetite. It's been rumored that even the BALD EAGLE had a rough time finding the dinner table.

...A General Meeting of the G.C.G.C. will be held on Wed-

nesday May 14, 1980 at THE VAULTS, 7:30 PM. to discuss future activities. e.g. THE CLEVELAND GAY FESTIVAL/PICNIC. If interested in helping, be sure to attend

...The noon does shine brightly in

NEW DIMENSIONS, doesn't it, TOMMY A. Now don't tell us it was a slipped belt-knotch, the smile on your face was far too obvious!!!..

...DONN & Larry D... take heed of the above... better stay at "POINTS WEST"...

KEY WEST it's forever summer on the AMERICAN MANANA ISLAND. Call toll-free 800-327-9191, ext. 499, or write Key West Business Guild, P.O. Box 1208-M, Key West, Florida 33040 for our new directory and map

Sally J. Mattson and Photos (Free lance photos) of you, your business, friends, family on location only. NO NUDES. Call (216) 249-9085, preferably evenings and weekends The first meeting of the Bambi Fontaine Fan Club was held in the pig room of the Club Cleveland Baths. Upon hearing of the location of said meeting. Bambi screamed, fainted, and was unable to make an appearance The next meeting of the B.FF.C will be held at Nativity Fellowship Church

Cleveland's only occult room specalizing in occult parapher nalia, books, aids, herbs, rare oils, readings and advice: 1849 West 65th Street, Cleveland; 216651-8137 or 216-631-9489 days and evenings.

FOR SALE, Console Hammond organ. Asking $3700.00. Call Rich (216) 779-0672 Ian 10 as evig SEC 107 P0702 pniibnet bas pr

08 to vastruct

The Annual Meeting of the GEAR Foundation will be held Sunday June 15, 1980 at the Cleveland Gay Community Center, 2:00 PM. Six Board of Trustees positions will be filled by election. The public is invited. In order to vote for a Trustee, etc.. one must join the Foundation.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held Tuesday, June 24 1980 at 7 30 P.M. at the Coming aity Center Public i


Congratulations to Tony B. and Mark on the occasion of their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, April 5. Wishing you both many more & much happiness...

RIKI ANNE doesn't RICH do a

lovely pirouette? There's been a lot of active gone into that number. Or did you say it was a lot of numbers have gotten practice?

SPECIAL RAP EVENT-May 30. DIG (DYKES IN GEAR) will meet with the Rap Group to talk about women and men--Join-in at 8:30 PM that Friday

The GEAR Foundation s Women's Caucus is meeting Monday nights at the Community Center, 1012 Sumner Court. Cleveland, at 8 PM. We are organizing women's sports. social activities and discussions of interest to lesbians. Call the Hotline: 216-621-3380 for the "T

on our activities. All women are

welcome to join us!

ROOMMATE (S) WANTED to share 3 BR home, near west side big yard & garage, nat. wood, 2 FP. piano, washer. Close to RTA &1-90. Prefer financially stable nonsmoker. 631-1583 (Doug); 78 A.M or 6-12 P.M.

DREAM JOB! Person with contacts in gay community to se!! land in Special Project in Bahamas to gay or bi-only. Exema Island, 135 miles SE of Nassau. Can make $30.000.00 per year

GEAR POTLUCK every fourth Saturday--the next one is May 24 8:00 PM at the community Center Sign-up at 10 Rap Group or just drop in wit your favorite dish

Congratulations to Don & Doug who will celebrate their 4th Anniversary this month. Did someone say 4 years!!!!

..DUANE, you simply must stop ......』་ ་་་ ་,,!,

See what just a little weightlifting can do for you. DAVID K? Look out for Labor Day cles bulging, etc. no telling what mus

will happen to you at the GAY FESTIVAL/PICNIC!!!... Maybe MIST-A-Henry's will find a way for you to channel all this new found energy?...

Has your friendly sales representative been wearing Turtlenecks more and more lately? Perhaps he too has been involved in playing a wicked game of GAYOPOLY francais --de la boudoir... what do yo say Mark K.?

Anyone interested in helping plan activities and events for the GEAR Foundation? This committee is just gewing state and we need help with. PR. tickets. scheduling and suggetions or information. Please leave a message for Dianne Fishman at the HOTLINE. (216) 621-3380.

BAY VILLAGE: responsible male wanted to share large secluded executive style LAKE. FRONT home, beautiful view. acre lot, luxurious furnishings. all conveniences only $225/month (216) 871-6977

WANTED: male and female persons interested in acting and/or working on production on gay cast-horror motion picture in Cleveland. Starting immediately. Call Gay Hotline (216) 621-3380. Leave name and phone number for "Thursday


Image anyone needing help to find the own personal style or just a giri friend to shop with. Call Shelley (216) 521-5487. Fee negotiable.

John, since I've met you I know

It has been reported the rather glorious individual & companion were recently stopped by the police for doing 75 mph in a 25 mph zone. This person, it seems, was "somewhat older" thar. his companion. have we been "contributing" again, MR. SHELLIE?... and I'm sure MOTHER would not approve of this activity nov ny more 1 did in

and you RODGER it was thought of you to show ryone there your name briefs...but don't you think showing your birthmark or was it a tatoo was going a bit too far? RON S & DAVID H. didn't, seem to think so though...

JEFFREY why won't you lister to anyor and know that LOVE!!! is just a mere 5'5", dark haired. huggy-bear away? Dance often enough at New Dimensions and maybe you'll realize

So glad to hear that Tony & Dale have patched it up not that anyone ever hears directly by phone or Finger broken Dale. darling?...

Do you entertain often? Rich? Is it true that "on a clear day, or is it night. you can see forever? NO! Just to Park Avenue, three railroads. Past GO and on into JAIL without collecting $200.00?-

for information about the Chita Rivera Concer next morth .... Call the ne a) 62 3380 and leave. Fishma messag

Problems nig with an alcoholic Call Ed 216-777-5023



female for three-way compan ionship Call Don or Bobbie (21) 843-9969 or write PO Po 29118. Parma. Ohio 44:29 Please include photo and phone number.

THE LESBIAN HERSTUHY ARCHIVES collects material o every aspect of lesbian culture: you have lesbian material tha you would like to donate or wan to use the ARchives, write to or call Lesbian Herstory Archives. PO Box 1258 NYC NY 10001 212-874-7232 or 212873-9443

Hope for the gay alcoholic in Columbus: call 614-252-3972 for the gay AA group for men and


Antiques and unusual gifts by Joseph Jeannette: Buy, se appraisals quidations Classe on antiques 1849 West 65th Street, Cleveland, 216-651-8137 or 216-631-9489 days and evenings.

the true meaning of love. RUSTY Gay Parents Group: If you are


interested call Bob at (216) 7776290 during the week, 4:30 PM 0 10:30 PM or anytime on the

Ask for Don Conely, VP of REAL NAMES TO BE USED ALL For people interested in a group

Sales. 741 4499

Dane Group--improvisation

on feminist themes--Stundays at 6:00 PM. No previous training is necessary but a desire to move and share with women. Small fee for rental studio. Call Gayle at (216) 561-5749 or (216) 561-5746 for further information.

-oncors you teit) gringoos



GAY LIBRARIANS! We need your help in organizing a new gay resource center library 500 books have already been donated. Please call the Hotline (621-3380) and volunteer your professional services Es8e-ea

for gay alcoholics in the Dayton area, please call Lee C. at 13381-2328 after 6 PM Ed. S.. just because you straight doesn't mean think an less of you You are still my

friend You can afford me the "breeder point of view Love


HIGH GEH PAGE 19 Well Thom, now you've done it for sure. Firs: the typewriter, ther. the screaming eagle and NOW ATTACHMENTS for the typewriler. That must be a strange looking and operating DEVICE to say the least. Couldn't you leave well enough alone? At least, don! subject Donnie, Dan and Ricky to that just yet... such a pronged, fork-like contraption could be as deadly as it was to that potluck turkey ...

Remember, BILL J.S., the telephone isn't ever very far away"

Have you tried the CROWN CAFE for breakfast on weekends? Good food surroundings and environment/atmosphere for days! Make breakfast a party too. 1-5 A M

Kirk, that's a fine looking TShirt you were wearing at DIMENSIONS the other night. Did Cleveland Hts. or B.G. help you pick it out?

John G. of Euclid so glad you enjoyed Lucianno Pavorotti's singing so much Thursday night at the MET but what WERE you doing afterwards and at the BOND COURT, no less...

Careful Kenny those women will get you yet. Exedra's doesn't want to loose such a "cute" bartender. Does DAVID approve anyway?...

Our very deepest SYMPATHY goes out to BARBARA Lee on the it passing of her father

Say ten Jnity inter ested in forming a gay rap group or just meeting other gay wing in nurt. ern Ohio? Call Bob (216) 1290

John being with you last weekend was ke walking though Paradise and I want to keep walking down that road you Love RUSTY

n's Potluck Supper Saturday of each month held at a home in Kent, Ohio For information please call Rick (216) 5352350. All welcome.

Couple desires to meet bi-black female Call 961-9706 (9 00 P.M. to 10:30 PM) Monday Only Ask for Charlene or James

Looking for singers women & male basses) also a piano, bass and brass for a musical act for the picnic in September. Please call the Hotline (216) 621-3380 and leave a message for Tony !

Hope for the gay alcoholic...We Care! Call 216-961-7964.

BRETHREN / MENNONITES: The Brethren/Mennonite Council for Gay Concerns (BMC) provides support and a communications link for gay Brethren and Mennonites across the US. and Canada in addition to working for the acceptance to lesbians and gay men in the church. Write BMC. Box 24060, Washington. DC 20024, for information. All correspondence confidential.

Jon. Gan Group Friday evengs al e Gia, C ⚫. Cen ter of Cleveland. For more information, call 216-621-3380.